A graduate from ESC Reims - Neoma Business School and a certified CIC coach, I use my extensive experience in business as well as the knowledge acquired through various certified training courses to help you reach your full potential.

Support methods
Formulating the request, discussion to narrow down the targeted objective, face-to-face or remote coaching through a series of interviews, general assessment and avenues for further development and then the coaching ends.

Co-constructed approach
A co-constructed, step-by-step approach enables us to progress. My approach is ambitious and positive, based on structured projects and a very concrete field approach for real and lasting results.
Why do you need a coach ?
Take a break for a moment. Look around you. You will see or remember those people who helped you learn, grow, develop, and become the person you are today. Your company, your boss, your mentor, your team, your family have all, more or less, contributed to your personal journey. However, and you are no doubt aware of this as you read this, there is a limit to what these people can do for you. Take a break for a moment. Look inside yourself. In your quest for growth, fulfilment, and success, stop to think about what truly defines you, and then what is best for you. Everybody has their own conception of success... and it is up to you, and to you alone, to make this leap and go from good to better, from great to excellent.
Coaching begins to some extent with self-awareness, with the sentiment that there is a lack of impetus in achieving your goal. Coaching isn't therapy in the sense that it doesn't arise from the context of pain. Coaches work in the here and now towards a future objective, and not in the past to restore physiological balance.
Last but not least, your coach is a facilitator who will support you for a certain period so you can find YOUR answers. Guided by their questions, direction and support, you can thus channel your energy, expand the field of possibilities and take a new look at what's holding you back so you can overcome it, and get closer and closer to your objective day by day.
Who am I ?

"Then the mind looks neither forward nor backward.
Our happiness lies in the present alone"
Together, let's pave the way for personal and collective success.
I strive to perpetuate the excellence of coaching by complying with the deontological and ethical benchmarks of my profession. The ethics code is an integral part of the contract that I give my clients.
This commitment is part of my CIC - RNCP level 7 - Training at the International Coaching and Mentoring Centre (CIC) certification.
- I respect the agreed confidentiality of all information relating to my clients ;
- I keep all records and corresponding data in a safe place ;
- I commit myself not to exceed the limits of my skills and my field of work ;
- I commit to continuous learning so that my clients benefit from the latest innovations ;
- I actively contribute to the professional community through research and feedback.

Develop with your peers synergistically.

Steering committees
Formulating a new strategic vision? Driving structural change ? Launching your company's digital transformation ? Redesigning your business model ? Rationalising decision-making better ?

Operational teams
Boosting the collective intelligence of teams ? Improving their sales capacity ? Supporting a skills increase ? Managing resistance to change ? Optimising collaboration between team members ?

Individual employees
Supporting a new role ? Providing the employee with the tools for speaking in public ? Managing stress better during peak workloads ? Developing employees' soft skills ? Launching a career plan ?
Contact us
Phone : 06 14 55 92 48
Address : Lieu dit La Charbonnière - 24200 Carsac Aillac
Depending on the case and the options available, I offer you individual coaching sessions remotely (via Skype for example) or at home, at your office or in any other place that suits you.